If you reside within the Town of Payson, it is the law to get your dog licensed. To receive a license, we will need proof of your dog's current rabies vaccination. You may come into the shelter located at 605 W. Wilson Court or use one of the options below.
You may view the TOP Boundary Map here.
Office hours for licensing are Tuesday-Saturday from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM.
If you have any questions, please call us at 928-474-5590.
- Spayed/Neutered Dogs - $15
- Not Spayed/Neutered Dogs - $40
- Replacement tags - $5
Your dog's license is valid for the same length as the rabies vaccine.
You may also request a new/replacement or renew a current license using one of the online/mail-in options below.
Have questions? Please don't hesitate to call us at (928) 474-5590.
Residents of Star Valley - you may obtain your dog license from the Town Hall in Star Valley located at 3675 East Highway 260, Star Valley, AZ. Questions? Call Star Valley Town Hall at (928) 472-7752.
Residents of Gila County - you may obtain your dog license from the Gila County Health Department located at 110 West Main Street, Payson, AZ. Questions? Call the Gila County Health Department at (928) 474-1210.
All requests MUST have a current rabies vaccination certificate attached.
*If your dog license has an expiration date or you have previously obtained it from the Community Development Office (near the police station), you will be required to obtain a new license.